
Government Office Floor Guide(庁内フロア案内)



 ファイルダウンロードのリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。(PDF:66KB)

Zip 662-8567 10-3, Rokutanjicho, Nishinomiya City

  • Get off at JR Nishinomiya Station. Head south and walk along National Route 2 to west for 10 minutes.
  • Get off at Hanshin Nishinomiya Station. Exit from "Shiyakusho" exit and head north, walk for 2 minutes.
  • Get off at Hankyu Nishinomiya-kitaguchi Station and take the Hankyu bus headed for "Asanagi-cho". Get off at "Shiyakusho-mae".
  • Take the Sakurayamanami Bus, get off at "Nishinomiya Shiyakusho-mae".

ファイルダウンロードのリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。(PDF:66KB)
Zip 662-0918 8-28, Rokutanjicho, Nishinomiya City

  • Get off at JR Nishinomiya Station. Head south and walk along National Route 2 to west for 10 minutes.
  • Get off at Hanshin Nishinomiya Station. Exit from "Shiyakusho" exit and head north, walk for 2 minutes.
  • Get off at Hankyu Nishinomiya-kitaguchi Station and take the Hankyu bus headed for "Asanagi-cho". Get off at "Shiyakusho-mae".
  • Take the Sakurayamanami Bus, get off at "Nishinomiya Shiyakusho-mae".

ファイルダウンロードのリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。(PDF:66KB)
Zip 662-8567 10-3, Rokutanjicho, Nishinomiya City

  • Get off at JR Nishinomiya Station. Head south and walk along National Route 2 to west for 10 minutes.
  • Get off at Hanshin Nishinomiya Station. Exit from "Shiyakusho" exit and head north, walk for 2 minutes.
  • Get off at Hankyu Nishinomiya-kitaguchi Station and take the Hankyu bus headed for "Asanagi-cho". Get off at "Shiyakusho-mae".
  • Take the Sakurayamanami Bus, get off at "Nishinomiya Shiyakusho-mae".

ファイルダウンロードのリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。(PDF:66KB)
Zip 662-0918 3-1, Rokutanjicho, Nishinomiya City

  • Get off at JR Nishinomiya Station. Head south and walk along National Route 2 to west for 10 minutes.
  • Get off at Hanshin Nishinomiya Station. Exit from "Shiyakusho" exit and head north, walk for 2 minutes.
  • Get off at Hankyu Nishinomiya-kitaguchi Station and take the Hankyu bus headed for "Asanagi-cho". Get off at "Shiyakusho-mae".
  • Take the Sakurayamanami Bus, get off at "Nishinomiya Shiyakusho-mae".

ファイルダウンロードのリンク 新規ウインドウで開きます。(PDF:66KB)
Zip 662-8567 10-3, Rokutanjicho, Nishinomiya City

  • Get off at JR Nishinomiya Station. Head south and walk along National Route 2 to west for 10 minutes.
  • Get off at Hanshin Nishinomiya Station. Exit from "Shiyakusho" exit and head north, walk for 2 minutes.
  • Get off at Hankyu Nishinomiya-kitaguchi Station and take the Hankyu bus headed for "Asanagi-cho". Get off at "Shiyakusho-mae".
  • Take the Sakurayamanami Bus, get off at "Nishinomiya Shiyakusho-mae".

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西宮市池田町11-1 フレンテ西宮4階



